[click each to view]

Alexis Bhagat & Lize Mogel

Unnayan | Chetla Lock Gate, Marginal Land Settlement in Calcutta, 1984
Institute for Applied Autonomy with Site-R | Routes of Least Surveillance
Trevor Paglen & John Emerson | Rendition Flights 2001-2006
An Architektur | Geography of the Fürth Departure Center
Pedro Lasch | Guias de Ruta / Route Guides
Lize Mogel | From South to North
Jane Tsong | the los angeles water cycle: the way it is, not the way it should be and one day will be
the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) | New York City Garbage Machine
Brooke Singer | The US Oil Fix
Ashley Hunt | A World Map: in which we see...

Jai Sen | Other Worlds, Other Maps: Mapping the Unintended City
Institute for Applied Autonomy | Tactical Cartographies
Visible Collective & Trevor Paglen | Mapping Ghosts
Maribel Casas-Cortes & Sebastian Cobarrubias | Drawing Escape Tunnels Through Borders
Alejandro de Acosta | Latino/a America: A Geophilosophy for Wanders
Sarah Lewison | Our Land is Changing-- Soon Yours Will Be Too
Jenny Price, Jane Tsong, Ellen Sollod, Lize Mogel, DJ Waldie, Paul S. Kibel | Drawing (on) Water in Los Angeles
Heather Rogers | The Power of Garbage
Kolya Abramsky | Struggles Over Transition: Emancipating Energy?
Avery F. Gordon | A World Map

Drawing Escape Tunnels Through Borders (excerpt) | Maribel Casas-Cortes & Sebastian Cobbarubias

The drama of these [mass border crossings and detention-center riots] belies the increasing complexity of the border regime developing in the European Union. This regime is more than policed national borders-- it includes the development of pan-European border policies through agencies such as FRONTEX, international organizations such as the IOM (International Organization on Migration), as well as myriad of prisons and holding centers for migrants strewn throughout the EU and beyond. The mix of the explosiveness of the issues and the increasing complexity and mobility of the border regime has led to many collectives/artists/activists to dig into these questions.

The border is beginning to multiply and fractalize both within and outside the razor wire fences in Eastern Poland or Ceuta. This challenges our ideas of the border as the geographical edge of a country/nation (where the color changes on the school map.) The logic of the border goes beyond physical check-points to permeate labor, institutional, family and other relationships. The population is stratified according to "internal borders" that create divisions between EU citizens and extra-communitarians . This separation is marked by an inherent racism used to justify the aggressive border regime. Among the initiatives that question this proliferation of the border, many activist efforts have used cartography as a tool in order to reorient themselves through the dizzying institutional maze of the EU border regime. In the next pages, we will explore cartographic interventions as activist experiments that are part of the burgeoning activity on border mappings in the EU.